Rural Europe Towards the Clean Energy Transition (RECET)

A 3-year project starting on October 1, 2023, the RECET objective involves capacity-building among municipalities, supporting them in embracing the energy transition and creating CET plans for their regions. Energiakademiet will share experiences from the island of Samsø in Denmark and tools to support the development of concrete SECAP plans.

Íslensk Nýorka and Eimur jointly lead Icelandic activities, and Vestfjarðastofa and the Association of Municipalities and Economic Development in NE Iceland are regional partners. Outside of Iceland we collaborate with the municipality of Postojna and the project development agency Iskriva in Slovenia, Energikontor Syd and Blekinge county in southern Sweden and municipalities on the island of Menorca supported by the island council CIME.

RECET is co-financed by the EU LIFE program.

The project website was launched December 15 2023 so stay tuned!