The RECET project (Rural Europe for the Clean Energy Transition) had its first in-person meeting in Postojna, Slovenia, November 7-8, 2023. RECET is a three-year project funded by the EU LIFE programme. The group discussed the main priorities on the first day and got aligned. On the second day, representatives of Energiakademiet from Samsø, Denmark led a training session, focusing on ways to mobilize stakeholders to work on energy and climate goals and the creation of climate plans in participating regions.
The RECET consortium consists of nine partners from five European countries. Representing Iceland, Icelandic New Energy and Eimur in addition to the Association of Municipalities and Business Development in the North East – SSNE and Westfjords Regional Development Office (Vestfjarðastofa). From Denmark, Samsø Energiakademi, from Slovenia the regional development office Zavod Iskriva, and the municipality Občina Postojna, from Spain the island council Consell Insular de Menorca, and from Sweden Energikontor Syd.
After a great couple of days, we are excited for the upcoming 3 years!